Friday, October 30, 2009

Why is Your name so offensive?

Jesus. A beautiful name, a holy name, a glorious, honorable, praiseworthy name. Taken for granted in sentence after sentence in this sin-filled world.

God. Our Creator, our Maker, our Lord, our Father. The One who gives life, yet can take it away with just a thought. The One who all will confess to as Almighty One and God over all. Hardly ever seen as the One, true God over each living thing, and always used in vein when angry.

Holy Spirit. One who lives in those who believe, One who gives us life. Part of the Godhead. Not even recognized over half of the time.

Our world has taken these three powerful and almighty names, and have given each one a way of using it for their own ways and desires, and not to glorify Him. It so saddens me to hear the misconception people have for the Lord over all things. But what saddens me the most, is most Christians won't even stand up for our God when they hear people using God's name like this. Christians will just go along and laugh and act like nothing is wrong, when something is most definitely wrong. I can say this about Christians, because I do it as well. These people don't know Jesus! They need to know His name. They don't need to know His name as a way to vent their anger in vain when they slam their finger with a hammer. They need to know His name so they can have eternal life with Christ! My heart yearns for the people who know His name as one way, but not as the true and holy way. My heart yearns, yet I don't even try to make a difference anywhere near as much as i need to.

A song by BarlowGirl states, "Jesus, Jesus. Why is Your name offensive? Why are we so scared to tell this world You've saved us? When all of the hope of the world's in Your name, why are we so scared to say: Jesus?" This is such a true lyric. So many of us Christians, including myself, are too wrapped up into what people may say or think when/if we stand up for God. If we're not willing to stand up here around friends we know, then how would we ever stand up in front of people who may hold a gun up to your head asking if you know Jesus?

God has called us to go out and be a witness for him. Telling every tribe and every tongue of His name. So we need to fulfill this calling. We need to tell people the true meaning of His name. God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit. Three in One. Worthy of all power, honor, and glory.

Let's all try and stand up for our God. Let's all try to stand up for His true name. Let's glorify Him for who He is and tell them the only hope of the world is in His name.

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